敏成自創機能服飾品牌 RUDO當天在現場攤位跟參賽選手以及在場民眾做現場互動,宣傳自有品牌以及品牌延伸、推廣。借以在現場做品牌LOGO的紋身貼紙黏貼服務,拉近與消費者的距離。現場民眾的熱情,讓敏成RUDO活力滿滿並且對台灣自創品牌更有信心。
participate SET TV Running Event
This is the first time San-Lih Television
Ltd. (also known as SET TV) held running event. Combined with Taiwan
traditional food, toys and creative artworks to promote related products and
show traditional Taiwan characteristics.Mytrex is honored to have this opportunity
participate this event and promote our self-owned brand: RUDO functional
outdoor outfits. With the
interactive activity with people at the event, we successfully brings RUDO
image to everyone by
providing tattoo sticker adhesive service.
In addition to this event itself, the participation of celebrity and TV hosts
also made this event more impressive.
RUDO functional outdoor outfits will be
your first choice for your outdoor activities.